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Exit Music

Exit Music

Color Red Producer: Nick Etwell

Produced by Nick Etwell, Ben Lamdin

Nick Etwell - Flugelhorn
Mark Brown - Tenor Saxophone
James Fenn - Guitar
Daniel Drury - Bass Guitar (Electric)
Simon Lea - Drums
Mark 'Snowboy' Cotgrove - Congas
Pete Whittaker - Electric Organ

Tracking Engineer - Ben Lamdin
Fish Factory

Mixing Engineer - Nick Etwell

Mastering Engineer - Doug Krebs

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This was a tune written at the end of a relationship in the depths of winter. It's essentially a break up track, the minor A section conveying the dark and heavy emotions of the moment, the contrasting major B section the understanding that better times will come. The bossa feel seemed ironically appropriate given that it was mid-December in London, staring down the barrel of one of the longest and coldest winters in some time. The summer sun seemed a million miles away. But now here we are, cruising down the ocean road, roof top down, warm air blowing in off the water as we soak up every last ray of sunshine from the cloudless sky. Enjoying fully these end days of summer before watching them slowly disappear once more into the rear view mirror... (until next year…)

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